Mandatory information as per the Teleservices Act
ICOSIM - Postgraduierte Weiterbildung
Headquarters: Taufkirchen / Munich
Robert Huber
Mehlbeerenstraße 2
D- 82024 Taufkirchen
Tel.: +49 89 21547881
ICOSIM - Postgraduierte Weiterbildung
office Adress: Mehlbeerenstraße 2, D-82024 Taufkirchen
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Although the information provided on this website has been compiled with the utmost care, ICOSIM cannot guarantee that the information provided is free of errors. ICOSIM excludes all liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence on the part of ICOSIM or his vicarious agents. Important note: The information offered on these pages does not replace the actual medical briefing. Downloading fils and transmitting personal data takes place the user’s own risk.
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