BOOK in French: "Ostéonécrose Cavitaire de l'os de la mâchoire"
This edition covers the main concepts and studies on the chemokine RANTES and its relationship to cavitation osteonecrosis, also known as: cavitations, FDOJ (fatty degenerative osteonecrosis of the jawbone), BMDJ (bone marrow disease of the jawbone), osteonecrotic cavitation-induced neuralgia. Aetiopathogenesis, morphology, diagnosis and systemic relationships as well as the basics of maxillomandibular osteoimmunology and understanding the healing and repair processes of bone and their relationship to metabolism.   Scientific principles necessary for the understanding of pathology in dentistry and medicine.     Pages: 400Language: French     Une toute nouvelle façon de voir la bouche et son impact sur les maladies systémiques. Des informations importantes sur les voies fonctionnelles et immunologiques entre la bouche et le corps Découvrez comment cibler, diagnostiquer et traiter cette maladie mortelle inconnue et silencieuse et découvrez une toute nouvelle facette de la dentisterie qui fera passer votre cabinet de dentiste à un centre de soins de santé de premier plan. Définitions et résultats scientifiques : Les maladies auto-immunes sont en forte augmentation dans le monde entier. Les scientifiques ne sont pas certains des causes de cette augmentation. Ce livre décrit les liens entre l'inflammation locale de la mâchoire et de nombreuses maladies graves et explique comment une simple intervention chirurgicale peut aider vos patients à retrouver leur vie, leur énergie et leur santé. Qu'est-ce que le NICO, le FDOJ et l'ostéo-immunologie maxillo-mandibulaire dans la dentisterie moderne ? Faits scientifiques : Le lien définitif entre l'inflammation locale dans l'os de la mâchoire et la maladie systémique - Comment les signaux immunitaires hyperactivés RANTES/CCL5 provenant de la bouche provoquent un déraillement systémique massif du système immunitaire. Comment et pourquoi la technologie joue un rôle majeur dans le diagnostic et le traitement de cette pathologie. Imagerie sans radiation de la densité osseuse par ultrasons et pourquoi la radiographie traditionnelle n'est pas suffisante pour la diagnostiquer. Comment utiliser la 3D-CBCT, les tests sanguins et l'échographie osseuse pour trouver l'origine de la pathologie afin d'accélérer le diagnostic et la planification du traitement dans le cadre d'une approche moins invasive pour cibler et traiter FDOJ avec une grande précision. Comment différencier un os sain d'un os enflammé avant de poser des implants pour obtenir de bien meilleurs résultats. Endodontie et CaviTAU® : Y a-t-il encore de l'inflammation après le traitement et la radiographie 2D est-elle suffisante pour être certain du succès ? Névralgie du trijumeau, douleur faciale et NICO : "Probablement la maladie la plus douloureuse au monde". Comment Jawbone Detox peut aider à traiter avec succès les causes de cette maladie, qui peut souvent conduire au suicide. La neurodégénérescence dans la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA), la sclérose en plaques, la fibromyalgie, le syndrome de fatigue chronique et le lien entre RANTES/CCL5 provenant de défauts de la moelle osseuse (FDOJ) et le système nerveux central. Comment diagnostiquer et traiter facilement avec l'aide de la technologie des ultrasons et des protocoles Jawbone Detox.

Booklet "Chronic Jawbone Inflammation and Systemic Diseases" EN
Published by Dr. Dr. (PHD-UCN) Johann Lechner This comprehensive booklet provides valuable insights into Chronic Osteonecrosis and Fatty Degenerative Osteonecrosis in the Jawbone (COJ/FDOJ) through a series of visual documentation. The booklet features a collection of high-resolution images and corresponding X-rays that vividly showcase the severity and implications of osteonecrotic conditions. Dr. Lechner's expertise and meticulous documentation enable a deeper understanding of the relationship between chronic jawbone inflammation and various systemic diseases. Different Tumors Atypical Facial Pain/Trigeminal Neuralgia Rheumatic Complaints Internal Diseases Immune Diseases Neuropathic Diseases Chronic Fatigue Sydrome/Burn-Out To document the osteonecrotic intensity of the FDOJ cases the Corresponding individual X-rays are displayed beside/above the FDOJ images.

BOOK "Osteonecrose Cavitacional nos maxilares" PT
The book "Steonecrose Cavitacional nos maxilares", based on the study of Maxillomandibular osteoimmunology, is now available. Authored by Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner and Dr. Regeane Kaniak, this edition in Portuguese covers the main concepts and studies on the chemokine RANTES and its relationship with cavitational osteonecroses also known as bone cavitations, FDOJ (Fatty degenerative osteonecrosis in jawbone), BMDJ(bone marrow diseases in jawbone), osteonecrotic cavitation-induced neuralgia. Etiopathogenesis, morphology, diagnosis, and systemic relationships, in addition to the basis of Maxillomandibular osteoimmunology and understanding of the bone processes of healing and repair and their relationship to metabolism. Scientific basis necessary for understanding pathology within dentistry and medicine.Pages: 400Language: Portuguese

BOOK "Cavitational Osteonecrosis in Jawbone" EN
From misjudged local inflammation to dangerous systemic disease.Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann LechnerYou will gain insight into the functional and immunological derailment of the jawbone.You will learn the localisation of jawbone inflammation through new ultrasound sonography. Scientifically sound definition:What is NICO, FDOJ and Maxillo-Mandibular Osteoimmunology in modern dentistry? Scientific fact:The link from local inflammation to systemic dysfunction - hyperactivated immune signals RANTES/CCL5 from the jawbone. Unique in dental practice:Objective localisation of inflammation in the jawbone with the latest ultrasound technology CaviTAU®. CaviTAU® in the practice and in Slow Dentistry:Radiation-free imaging of bone density with ultrasound: bone density beyond X-rays. CaviTAU® shows jawbone with reduced bone density:Where are the systemic and immunologically relevant RANTES/CCL5 roots of disease? Implant success, Clean Implants and CaviTAU®:"Do I implant into healthy bone? Or into bone marrow defects?" Endodontics and CaviTAU®:Is there post-endodontic inflammation? Trigeminal neuralgia, facial pain and CaviTAU®:Probably the most painful disease in the world. Neurodegeneration ALS, MS and CaviTAU®:RANTES/CCL5 from bone marrow defects and CNS? 398 pages392 illustrations670 referencesLanguage: EnglishISBN: 978-3-931351-45-8

Combination package "Cavity-forming osteolyses in the jawbone" in German - Volumes I to IV, incl. book slipcase
With these four books, the authors establish a new field in medicine and dentistry:An Interdisciplinary Maxillo-Mandibular Osteoimmunology. All four volumes document the fatty degenerative osteolyses of the jawbone on a case-by-case basis, emphasise their conspicuous overexpression of the inflammatory messenger RANTES/CCL5 and discuss chronic diseases possibly triggered by this on the basis of scientific publications in GoogleScholar.

BOOK in German: Volume IV "Visualisation of cavity-forming osteolyses in the jawbone with sonography".
Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann LechnerVisualisation of cavity-forming osteolyses in the jawbone with sonographyRadiation-free imaging for maxillo-mandibular osteoimmunologyPathomechanisms of chronic inflammatory diseases With over 200 multicolour images for interpretation of CaviTAU® ultrasound measurements ( on bone density in the jaws With over 560 literature citations on the scientific background ISBN 978-3-931351-43-4

BOOK in German: Volume III "Maxillo-Mandibular Osteoimmunology and Chronic Inflammation in the Maxillary Bone".
Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann LechnerMaxillo-mandibular osteoimmunology and chronic inflammation in the jawbone After Volume I in 2011, Volume II in 2015, Volume III on cavity-forming osteolyses of the jawbone with their oral and systemic manifestations will now be published in 2019. These three books by the authors Dr.Dr.(PhDUCN) J. Lechner, Prof. JE. Bouquot and Dr. V. von Baehr, with a total of over 600 colour illustrations and over 1,000 literature citations, establish the new therapeutic and research branch of a "Maxillo-Mandibular Osteoimmunology" on over 800 pages. ISBN 978-3-931351-35-9

BOOK in German: Volume II "Histology & Immunology of Cavity Forming Osteolyses of the Maxillary Bone".
Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann LechnerOral and Systemic Manifestation of a Maxillo-Mandibular OsteoimmunologyWith this book, three authors enter a new field in medicine and dentistry: an interdisciplinary maxillo-mandibular osteo-immunology. They present this in a case-related and casuistic manner and discuss the clinical pictures associated with fatty degenerative osteolysis of the jawbone (FDOK). Following Volume I entitled "Cavity-forming osteolyses of the jawbone" from 2011, further scientific data on FDOK is now available. Prof. Bouquot has made available his extensive histological image material on FDOK / "NICO". In addition, 2000 of his own histologies from FDOK were analysed and evaluated. ISBN 978-3-931351-30-4  

BOOK in German: Volume I "Cavity-forming osteolyses of the jaw bone"
Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann LechnerSystematic-holistic effects of the aseptic osteonecroses "jaw ostitis" and "NICO" in the jawIn the author's practice, astounding improvements in rheumatoid, neuralgic complaints and other systemic diseases are observed after cleaning painless and radiographically inconspicuous edentulous jaw areas (NICO). These are structurally characterised by fatty-degenerative osteonecrosis of the cancellous bone. In order to clarify systemic relationships, osteolytic and fatty-degenerative cancellous bone portions were taken from jaw areas in a total of 17 subjects and analysed for 27 immune messengers using bead-based multiplex technology. All 17 NICO samples consistently showed the highest levels of RANTES/CCL5. The scientific literature on the causes and metastatic tendency of breast cancer assigns a key role to RANTES as a signalling agent.ISBN 978-3-931351-19-9

Book slipcase for "Cavity-forming osteolyses in the jaw bone" (Volumes I-IV in German)
Beautifully designed book slipcase for the entire book series in German: Volumes I to IV "Cavity-forming osteolyses in the jawbone" by Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner.

BOOK in German: "The Enemy in My Mouth
Dr. Dr. (PhD-UCN) Johann Lechner  Unknown and unrecognised dangers to health from tooth and jaw interference fields.The book "The Enemy in My Mouth" is a captivating account of a holistic treatment concept. It considers the organism as an interconnected overall system and takes into account both medical and dental aspects of a disease. The author realises this practice in a combination of 30 years of experience in holistic dentistry and a complementary activity as a non-medical practitioner.Many chronically ill people suffer from a clinical picture that they are not even aware of as such at the moment: chronic stress from the dental and jaw area. Everyone should know about what stresses or harms or can harm them so that they can protect and safeguard themselves.Only available in German!
